
Please join us for our Worship Service  held in our Sanctuary and is also broadcast through YouTube at 10:00 AM each Sunday.


The bulletin for our  worship service can be found here.



Shopping Card Ministry

Our Shopping Card Ministry 

provides an important way for our church family to help support the mission of the church with no additional expense to anyone!  How it works: our church family purchases shopping cards for a number of area businesses at face value.  Our shopping card progam sponsor donates a percentage of the card's value back to the church!  It's easy!




There's several ways to purchase shopping cards:


1.) Purchase cards every Sunday morning in our narthex following worship. Cards in stock are sold as available.

2.) You can pre-order just about any shopping card you are interested in during the first 2 weeks of the month.  At the end of the month, you can pick up your shopping cards at church or in the church office.

3.) Cards can also be purchased during the week by stopping by our church office.




Order cards online by signing up for Shop with Scrip....

Sign up for ShopWithScrip - It's Easy!

1 - 

1 - Email admin@wilbrahamunitedchurch.org for an invitiation that will include our enrollment code.


2 - Go to the RaiseRight website to register using the  enrollment code provided by our administrator. By entering the code, your account will be associated with our church's program so we can begin earning .


3 - Fill in all required personal information and click "I accept".


4 - Choose two security challenge questions from the list and provide answers.


Any questions contact the church office.

Shop with Scrip now has an App...

Download and use the Raise Right App for free