Our adult CHANCEL CHOIR rehearses every Thursday evening from 8:00 to 9:00 PM. During Sunday morning worship, the choir supports worship by leading the service music, offering an anthem that helps to illustrate the scripture for the day.
Our HANDBELL CHOIR "United We Ring" rehearses every Thursday evening from 7:00 to 8:00 PM. The handbells typically play the Prelude every Sunday morning.
Our CHILDREN'S CHOIR rehearses Sunday mornings after worship from 11:15 to 11:45 AM. Children learn age appropriate music, experiment with the handbells and other instruments available. They learn musical notation and play games that enhance their musical skills. They offer a song as part of the worship service periodically.
Our PRAISE BAND rehearses on Wednesday evenings. The Praise Band provides musical selections during communion and at other times to enhance the Sunday morning worship.
We are always happy to welcome new members to any of our music ministries. Speak to Bobbie Morkin about joining!