
Please join us for our Worship Service  which is held in our Sanctuary and is also broadcast through YouTube at 10:00 AM each Sunday.


The bulletin for our  worship service can be found here.




When You Arrive


We have a large parking lot in the back of the church building.  There is an entrance directly into our "Narthex" (a fancy word for the hallway outside our worship space) up a set of stairs outside the building, or an entrance for those who have an issue with stairs up the ramp to the door on the side.  We have members of the church waiting to greet you and help you feel welcome. Ushers will also greet you and help you find a seat within the sanctuary. Our congregation does not have "assigned seating" - you are welcome to sit wherever you are comfortable!  Please note however, that the first six rows directly in front of the minister's pulpit are reserved as a "scent-free zone". For those who may be hearing impaired we offer listening devices. For those who may be vision impaired, there are large print bulletins available. Ushers will be happy to assist you in obtaining either of those. There is no specific dress code expected for our worship services. Parishioners dress either in their "Sunday Best" or in jeans.  We do ask that as a matter of courtesy, that any cell phones or electronic devices be silenced during the worship service.


The Worship Service


Our Sunday Morning Worship services are held at 10:00 AM in the church sanctuary. Our worship generally lasts for 1 hour. During worship we open our service with a "Call to Worship" which is read from our church bulletin - a program of events that congregants use to follow along with the worship. We sing hymns from our hymnals, we pray. We then have a moment for brief announcements, and then the "passing of the peace".   During the choir's musical offering, a collection is taken that helps us to continue God's work and the mission of the church.  Our pastor will offer a message usually based on the scripture chosen for the day. 


Children are always welcome! 


On some Sundays, there may be a brief moment for all ages at the beginning of the service, after which the children are dismissed to continue worship within their Church School classes. We welcome our children during worship but if you feel that your child needs to be moved to a different space outside the sanctuary the service can be heard either in the nursery, or in our Zeckhausen Room - a comfortable parlor outside the sanctuary. 


Following worship there is usually a time of Fellowship in our Fellowship Hall at the other end of the church. Coffee, beverages and snacks are served and you are invited to join us! Fellowship Hall is accessible for those who are mobility-challenged by an elevator from the main level of the church.


Visitors are welcome! If you are willing, there are guest cards within each pew where you can leave us with your contact information. We would be happy to keep you up to date on what is going on within our church. If there is a way that we can help you with something specific, our pastor will be in touch with you to set up a time to discuss how we can provide assistance.