
Please join us for our Worship Service  which is held in our Sanctuary and is also broadcast through YouTube at 10:00 AM each Sunday.


The bulletin for our  worship service can be found here.



Monday Update and Virtual Office Hours

Good morning, church family and friends! 

We’re starting another week of physical distancing and staying at home. I’ve been encouraged by how many folks have been keeping in touch through phone calls, emails and Facebook comments, and by the response to our Facebook Live worship service and these blog entries. We are striving to keep you informed and connected, and to be a place of spiritual inspiration and restoration, committed to being a caring and compassionate community doing good work in God’s name. 

The Drive-By Food Drive was also a great success, to which I would like send thanks to Rev. Paul, James, Shannon, Adam and Larry for their help, and to everyone who contributed food to the Community Survival Center. It’s important that we continue to find new ways to be a church of extravagant welcome and generous hospitality, to share our gifts, and live out our gospel call.  

Please stay tuned to our website, our Facebook page, and your inboxes for more opportunities to be the church in the coming days and weeks. If you have any ideas for something we could do, or know of anyone who could use our help, please email me (pastor@wilbrahamunitedchurch.org) or Paul (christianed@wilbrahamunitedchurch.org), or call the church directly (596-2511). Even when we are not physically in the office, we will be checking our voicemail and will return your calls as soon as possible. If it is urgent, we recommend email, as Paul and I both have constant access (for better and worse!) to our email on our mobile phones. 

Additionally, as we all try to limit the time we spend in public spaces, or gathered with other people, Paul and Aimee and I are also trying to stay home as much as possible. To that end, I will be holding “Virtual Office Hours” throughout the week on Zoom and Skype. These are both computer applications that allow for voice or video chatting depending on your computer’s capabilities. You can access the programs at the following sites: Zoom (www.zoom.us) and Skype (www.skype.com).  

I will be available from 10am-2pm today, Wednesday and Thursday this week on both Zoom and Skype. If those hours don’t work for you, please email me and we can set up a separate time to meet.  

To join today’s Zoom Meeting, please visit this link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/5433057894 

You can reach me on Skype by searching for Rev. Chip Hurd and starting a call. 

As we learn more about our capabilities and our community’s needs, we will continue to offer new and different opportunities for connection, caring, and spiritual resources. 

Stay safe and be well. 

